The Say La Vie Story
From the time I was very little I dreamed of owning my own shop. I remember sitting in class, thinking of potential names for my store and doodling them all over my notebook. As soon as I was old enough, I got a job in retail, thus launching my lifelong love.
I was also that girl in college that would make her own clothes and jewelry but was always caught off guard when friends and even strangers expressed an interest in owning something I made. I really just crafted these items because I never saw anything like them for sale in any store.
Say La Vie began almost 20 years ago when I spilled something on a brand new, pristine white shirt. Thinking it ruined and with nothing to lose, I tie dyed it. To my surprise, this little tee caused quite a stir. The next thing I knew, a boutique contacted me and asked to see my line. The following week I not only had a sales appointment at that store, I was also in business.
Things get messed up and accidents happen. Instead of despairing over your mistakes, choose to accept the challenge to look at things from a different angle. You never know what may happen . . . Say La Vie!